Sunday, March 29, 2020

McGraw-Hill General Chemistry Review

McGraw-Hill General Chemistry ReviewMcGraw-Hill has recently announced the introduction of McGraw-Hill General Chemistry, a new text that teaches students about chemistry in an easy to understand format. The book has been designed by chemistry experts as a supplement to other textbooks, and like most chemistry books, has a 'teacher's guide' to help students learn from the text.McGraw-Hill General Chemistry, with its Teacher's Guide, includes a demonstration of chemical reactions that illustrate the concepts covered in the text. This makes it easy for students to remember what they are reading, as well as the connections between the different parts of the text. It also provides them with a solid foundation in chemistry that can be used to continue to grow their knowledge of chemistry.The text uses a careful blend of key concepts, experiments, and demonstrations to teach students everything that they need to know about chemistry. Though the topics covered include large chunks of conten t, they do not get overwhelming for students. This is important because chemistry is an extremely complex subject, which means that even the simplest lessons often contain concepts that are very difficult to grasp.McGraw-Hill General Chemistry has been published by McGraw-Hill since 2020 and is written by McGraw-Hill professor of chemistry Harold F. McQuarrie. McQuarrie started the project as his Ph.D. dissertation, and it was done while he was at the University of Wisconsin. He says that this text will make chemistry seem like a 'less confusing and more enjoyable experience.'McQuarrie writes in the Teacher's Guide that the text was designed to go beyond what previous textbooks have offered in the past. He wants to make chemistry more accessible to students, and wanted to emphasize on the scientific value of chemistry instead of trying to emphasize on the historical value of chemistry.In terms of how the text will differ from other chemistry textbooks, McGraw-Hill General Chemistry only uses some of the big topics that it used in previous textbooks. Since the project was done while he was still at the University of Wisconsin, McQuarrie felt that he did not have enough time to cover all of the topics that students should be familiar with.In addition to the short example demonstrations included in the text, McGraw-Hill General Chemistry includes a demonstration book and a set of problems that students can use to practice concepts that are covered in the text. This makes it easy for students to feel confident that they are getting the concepts they need to learn.McGraw-Hill General Chemistry is something that chemistry students can use to learn chemistry and make chemistry seem less confusing. It makes it easy for students to learn chemistry and gives them a solid foundation to use as they learn.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How NOT to suck at language challenges

How NOT to suck at language challenges Olly Richards is an polyglot (he speaks 7 languages!) and runs a popular language learning blog called I Will Teach You a Language! This is a great post that he wrote which we hope will help you through the italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge. Reposted with permission. Original Post here. “Language challenges”, you may have noticed, are cropping up all over the place! Typically lasting either 30 or 90 days, you come together with other learners from around the world to set goals, learn from each other and make giant strides forward in your language learning. That’s the theory at least. In language challenges, as with anything else, there is the potential to waste your time and even set yourself back. Get it right, though, and you can genuinely catapult your level in your target language into the stratosphere. In this post, I’m going to draw on my experience in the first Add 1 Challenge(back in 2013) to show you exactly how to make a language challenge work for YOU. I know this, because in my first language challenge I made a lot of mistakes…despite being a fairly experienced language learner. Suddenly finding yourself in a new environment can really throw you, even if it does happen to be online! I worked too hard, tried to outdo myself, took it all a bit too seriously… …and ended up burning out! Luckily I managed to turn it around, and wrote about how I did it in this post about learning Cantonese. I don’t want this to happen to you, so read on… 9 keys to success in a language challenge 1) Don’t aim too high. Small steps forward in the right direction are infinitely better than shooting for an unachievable goal and burning out, or beating yourself up for not reaching it. “Be  fluent” is not a good goal. “Have my first 15-minute conversation with a native speaker” is. Modest goals, by being achievable, create space for you to actually enjoy the learning process, and help you avoid the kind of stress that leads to you becoming demotivated and even giving up. 2) Don’t do things that aren’t sustainable in the long term. Sure, you  could  study for 3 hours every night during the challenge, but you won’t be able to keep it up for long.  Rather than aiming  to do as much as possible during the challenge, instead aim to develop habits and routines that you can sustain beyond the end of the challenge. This means focusing on approaches to studying that can fit around your lifestyle. Don’t try to make your lifestyle fit around your language learning â€" it won’t last long. 3) Don’t set goals, but do know where you’re headed. I’ve found that traditional goal setting in language learning doesn’t work for most people. Although this is counter-intuitive (goal setting is very powerful for most things) the reality is that you can’t really control what you learn.  You can, however, control the kinds of activities that might result in learning. By focussing on the process, and not worrying about the product, you will get much further along than if you’re constantly obsessing over “Have I learnt my 20 words for today?” I call this methodology Sprints, and have written a detailed explanation of it here. It has helped a lot of people move forward in their language learning and I highly recommend reading this post if you often find yourself confused about what to do. 4) Aim to experiment as much as possible. It’s by trying new things that you will eventually find  what really works for you. I’ve often found that one small discovery can change the way I learn languages altogether. This is yet another application of the 80/20 principle â€" most things you do will make no difference whatsoever, so learn to set them aside and keep pursuing those that will. 5) Talk as much as possible with other people also involved in the challenge. We’re social beings and shouldn’t exist in bubbles. You are the average of the 5 people around you. Firstly, there’s the moral support and motivation to carry on that you can get from other people. You can learn so much from what other people are trying, and you should always remember that it only takes one person to give you one idea that can change your direction totally. 6) Take the opportunity to push yourself outside your comfort zone.Try things that you wouldn’t otherwise. Scared of booking that tutoring session on iTalki? It’s now or never, and it certainly won’t get any easier once the challenge is over. 7) Announce what you’re doing to friends and family. Accountability is a big deal. In fact, telling people publicly that I’m learning Arabic  has been  a huge motivating factor for me in those moments when I’m less than up for it. I know, for example, that when I head to next year’s Polyglot Gathering in Berlin I’ll be quizzed (in a nice way): “So Olly, how’s your Arabic?” If I say that I haven’t got very far with it, I’ll feel rather foolish! 8) Speak with native speakers more than you currently do. A lot more. Speaking is probably the one thing you don’t do enough of, if your aim is ultimately to be fluent in your target language. Let’s be honest, if you did enough speaking you wouldn’t need to join a language challenge.  And this means that you need to go into the challenge understanding that the elephant in the room really is speaking you’re going to have to find ways to speak more, and services such as iTalki really are the best. If you haven’t started speaking your target language regularly with people yet, it really is much easier and less daunting than you think, and I’ve written a guide to getting started which will help you with this. 9) Don’t ever compare yourself with others. It’s not about how good you get in 90 days. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people or their level. Everyone is at different stages and will end up in different places. That’s fine. What matters is what you learn for yourself, and, ultimately, what you carry forward to the weeks and months after the challenge is over. As such, don’t worry one bit about “his Japanese is better than mine” or “her accent is more convincing than mine” â€" it may well be, but it doesn’t matter, because you should only worry about how far you’ve come and what you’ve learnt. Follow these guidelines and you’ll be way ahead of the pack. Image 1: alexkphoto Image 2: jennyxyoung How NOT to suck at language challenges Olly Richards is an polyglot (he speaks 7 languages!) and runs a popular language learning blog called I Will Teach You a Language! This is a great post that he wrote which we hope will help you through the italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge. Reposted with permission. Original Post here. “Language challenges”, you may have noticed, are cropping up all over the place! Typically lasting either 30 or 90 days, you come together with other learners from around the world to set goals, learn from each other and make giant strides forward in your language learning. That’s the theory at least. In language challenges, as with anything else, there is the potential to waste your time and even set yourself back. Get it right, though, and you can genuinely catapult your level in your target language into the stratosphere. In this post, I’m going to draw on my experience in the first Add 1 Challenge(back in 2013) to show you exactly how to make a language challenge work for YOU. I know this, because in my first language challenge I made a lot of mistakes…despite being a fairly experienced language learner. Suddenly finding yourself in a new environment can really throw you, even if it does happen to be online! I worked too hard, tried to outdo myself, took it all a bit too seriously… …and ended up burning out! Luckily I managed to turn it around, and wrote about how I did it in this post about learning Cantonese. I don’t want this to happen to you, so read on… 9 keys to success in a language challenge 1) Don’t aim too high. Small steps forward in the right direction are infinitely better than shooting for an unachievable goal and burning out, or beating yourself up for not reaching it. “Be  fluent” is not a good goal. “Have my first 15-minute conversation with a native speaker” is. Modest goals, by being achievable, create space for you to actually enjoy the learning process, and help you avoid the kind of stress that leads to you becoming demotivated and even giving up. 2) Don’t do things that aren’t sustainable in the long term. Sure, you  could  study for 3 hours every night during the challenge, but you won’t be able to keep it up for long.  Rather than aiming  to do as much as possible during the challenge, instead aim to develop habits and routines that you can sustain beyond the end of the challenge. This means focusing on approaches to studying that can fit around your lifestyle. Don’t try to make your lifestyle fit around your language learning â€" it won’t last long. 3) Don’t set goals, but do know where you’re headed. I’ve found that traditional goal setting in language learning doesn’t work for most people. Although this is counter-intuitive (goal setting is very powerful for most things) the reality is that you can’t really control what you learn.  You can, however, control the kinds of activities that might result in learning. By focussing on the process, and not worrying about the product, you will get much further along than if you’re constantly obsessing over “Have I learnt my 20 words for today?” I call this methodology Sprints, and have written a detailed explanation of it here. It has helped a lot of people move forward in their language learning and I highly recommend reading this post if you often find yourself confused about what to do. 4) Aim to experiment as much as possible. It’s by trying new things that you will eventually find  what really works for you. I’ve often found that one small discovery can change the way I learn languages altogether. This is yet another application of the 80/20 principle â€" most things you do will make no difference whatsoever, so learn to set them aside and keep pursuing those that will. 5) Talk as much as possible with other people also involved in the challenge. We’re social beings and shouldn’t exist in bubbles. You are the average of the 5 people around you. Firstly, there’s the moral support and motivation to carry on that you can get from other people. You can learn so much from what other people are trying, and you should always remember that it only takes one person to give you one idea that can change your direction totally. 6) Take the opportunity to push yourself outside your comfort zone.Try things that you wouldn’t otherwise. Scared of booking that tutoring session on iTalki? It’s now or never, and it certainly won’t get any easier once the challenge is over. 7) Announce what you’re doing to friends and family. Accountability is a big deal. In fact, telling people publicly that I’m learning Arabic  has been  a huge motivating factor for me in those moments when I’m less than up for it. I know, for example, that when I head to next year’s Polyglot Gathering in Berlin I’ll be quizzed (in a nice way): “So Olly, how’s your Arabic?” If I say that I haven’t got very far with it, I’ll feel rather foolish! 8) Speak with native speakers more than you currently do. A lot more. Speaking is probably the one thing you don’t do enough of, if your aim is ultimately to be fluent in your target language. Let’s be honest, if you did enough speaking you wouldn’t need to join a language challenge.  And this means that you need to go into the challenge understanding that the elephant in the room really is speaking you’re going to have to find ways to speak more, and services such as iTalki really are the best. If you haven’t started speaking your target language regularly with people yet, it really is much easier and less daunting than you think, and I’ve written a guide to getting started which will help you with this. 9) Don’t ever compare yourself with others. It’s not about how good you get in 90 days. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people or their level. Everyone is at different stages and will end up in different places. That’s fine. What matters is what you learn for yourself, and, ultimately, what you carry forward to the weeks and months after the challenge is over. As such, don’t worry one bit about “his Japanese is better than mine” or “her accent is more convincing than mine” â€" it may well be, but it doesn’t matter, because you should only worry about how far you’ve come and what you’ve learnt. Follow these guidelines and you’ll be way ahead of the pack. Image 1: alexkphoto Image 2: jennyxyoung

I Cannot Change the Direction of the Wind

I Cannot Change the Direction of the Wind I cant change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Jimmy Dean Jimmy Dean was the creative and multifaceted personality. He was an actor, television host, musician and entrepreneur. Dean was instrumental in making country music popular. For that he  was nominated to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2010. James Dean actor career began when he was a cast in the 1971 James Bond movie Diamonds Are Forever. Dean called  Richmond, Virginia his home.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Qualifications Required To Be An ESL Tutor

The Qualifications Required To Be An ESL TutorTeaching English as a Second Language (ESL) is extremely beneficial in today's world, but there are a number of obstacles that have to be overcome before one can begin working on ESL tutoring in Texas. There are many requirements that one must meet to be able to work in the teaching field. In order to be accepted to be an ESL tutor, one must undergo a comprehensive test which is made available to the public.These tests are made in order to determine the overall ability of someone to work in a professional environment that requires English. In many cases, one must already possess at least a Bachelor's degree in the subject of the educational institution that they wish to work in. Additionally, one must have earned some type of teaching certificate before they are approved for the test. Individuals who are hired by schools for ESL tutoring in Texas must also obtain the appropriate teaching credentials.A number of students in Texas wish to l earn to speak English as a second language. Therefore, an individual who wishes to get involved in the industry of ESL tutoring must be trained in the field. It is important to note that there are a number of training courses that one can take to enhance one's professional skills. If an individual works with a professional in the field of education, one will find that they learn many different aspects of this job.The Texas ESL Association provides a number of organizations that will help individuals learn how to effectively teach the English language. They work with all types of organizations which are involved in educational settings. This means that students will be taught how to give an individual a challenging educational experience.There are a number of different challenges that an individual will face while learning to teach in Texas. Those who wish to become a teacher must complete a comprehensive test which assesses all the necessary requirements that are needed for the job. Tutoring in Texas is a very exciting career. As long as a person has an interest in being successful, they will have a successful career as a teaching professional. By following a few tips, an individual can begin to work toward becoming a successful ESL tutor.Individuals who wish to become a tutor in Texas will need to find a school that specializes in the subject. Most schools that offer ESL tutoring will work with any student who wants to become a part of their program. Individuals can also join organizations which specialize in teaching the English language. They will find that there are numerous benefits to becoming an ESL teacher.

What is a Ligand in Chemistry?

What is a Ligand in Chemistry?As a chemist, you have to know what is land and what are the lands that will be used for all of your chemistry experiments. It is crucial that you know what this is because the discoveries you make will be crucial to your future as a chemist.A ligand is a chemical substance that binds to a ligand-type receptor on a cell. This receptor is in the endoplasmic reticulum. The land is not in the endoplasmic reticulum but in the membrane that surrounds it.This holds the cell together, preventing other molecules from getting through the cell to cause harm. The cell is always alive, which means that the ligand that binds to the receptor is in constant contact with the cell. Whenever a molecule gets through, the cell suffers damage and death. So, ligands work to hold the cell together by forcing it into something called an endocytosis process.An endocytosis process is when a land comes into contact with a cell. This causes it to bind to the cell membrane of the ce ll, where it attaches to the receptor. Once the land is in the membrane, the cell is said to be in the active state, and it can then go into a process called export or translocation.In an endosymbiotic transfer, the ligand and cell membranes are able to do one of two things. They can unbind to each other, causing them to separate, or they can unbind, allowing the land to enter the cytoplasm of the cell. Once in the cytoplasm, the ligand is able to attach to the receptor. Once it has attached, the cell becomes part of the organism.The ligand has the ability to act either as a poison and an aid to life. For the most part, the ligand in chemistry is either a free radical, a compound that does not react well with other compounds, or both. The free radicals are found mostly in the form of OH radicals, and the compound that does not react well with other molecules is found mostly in the form of carbonyls.It is important that you know what a free radical is, as it is one of the most damagi ng substances known to science. Many of the chemicals that we use every day can cause havoc with our health if they are exposed to too much of a compound, especially if it is more than one. In order to protect yourself from harmful molecules in your environment, it is necessary that you know what a ligand is.

A Student Experience at New York University

A Student Experience at New York University Liz earned her bachelors degree in dramatic writing from New York University. She specializes in English tutoring, creative writing tutoring, and many other subjects. If youre looking for a student perspective on New York University, read on! Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Liz: NYU is fantastic as far as transportation options. Don't even think about bringing a car here beyond move-in. It's crazy New York City traffic, and parking it will run an insane bill. Instead, everyone uses the network of subways and secondarily buses. You will mingle with the public on a daily basis like a real New Yorker (and quickly become one yourself). It's very walkable in the heart of the campus area, and there are free NYU buses for students who need to get to more remote locations like off-site dorms and the NYU Medical Center campus. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Liz: Everyone has office hours, and the teaching staff are generally very passionate about their fields so they are happy to meet with you and help you master whatever you're struggling with. If you have a problem with any staff, there is an open door policy for contacting the persons supervisor and discussing your issues. NYU is very student-focused, and they really listen. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Liz: Dining options are excellent. There are many dining halls, and most have salad bars as well as a variety of hot and cold items available every day. They cater to all special diets; no matter where you're from or what you're used to, you will find something to make you happy. There's even a kosher dining hall. Meal plans come in a wide range of configurations. When I attended, they had a refillable campus cash program that was linked to your student ID card, and the funds could be used at a bunch of local restaurants, delis, and grocery stores as well. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Liz: NYU is so vast and diverse that I cannot say there is one major that is best represented. I was enrolled at Tisch School of the Arts, which is probably most famous or popular for its film program. Second to that seems to be acting. Quite a few celebrities and celebritys kids attend Tisch. I studied dramatic writing where I was immersed in TV and film screenwriting and playwriting. As a concentration, I chose playwriting because I love what it is possible to create in real space and real time with live bodies and objects as much as the magic of live performance before (or sometimes with) an audience. I also participated in the WNYU, the college radio station all 4 years. This is now part of the music production program at Tisch, which was new as I was graduating but is well-regarded. It was great fun and a welcome break from my academics. I still have recordings of some broadcasts, including a live interview/performance session with a band. Through WNYU, I gained some very basic sound editing and production skills. The radio station offers internships and the opportunity to obtain paid management positions. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Liz: Greek life exists, but isnt big on campus.You will make friends through the people you live with, attend classes with, and participate in extracurricular with. I did make one of my best friends at a Tisch sponsored social my first week. We ditched the event and went to Nuyouican Poet's Caf instead. A good deal of socializing happens in the city, off campus. Given all the restaurants, museums, and concert venues at your fingertips, why wouldnt it? However, there are student campus clubs for every interest under the sun, from volleyball to more obscure ones like science fiction. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Liz: I didn't make as much use of the Career Center as I could have, and frankly, my major wasn't terribly marketable. I do remember attending some good job fairs, and most students land enviable jobs or internships upon graduation. It's also a great jumping-off point for a graduate degree anywhere in the world. Their study abroad options span the globe. They are very accessible to those who keep their grades up, and they are both useful and fulfilling. My summer study abroad through NYU led to me obtaining my graduate degree abroad. The support services as far as student medical care are top-notch. NYUs response with making psychological services available to students was swift, all-encompassing, and admirable. All the teaching staff and Department Chairs were very open and supportive. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Liz: The library is massive and the librarians are knowledgeable and helpful. It is also a beautiful space with lots of cozy nooks. There are lots of 24-hour computer labs with wizards on staff. Lounges and recreational areas abound, and they are generally very comfortable and bright. They are a welcome relief from the busy streets. Describe the surrounding town. Liz: Music, festivals, lectures, underground film, high-end shopping, museums, and art supplies are all easily accessible. Everything you could ever dream of is available 24/7. The only downsides are watching your budget, choosing what to do, and a certain lack of unified campus life feeling. There are multiple campuses all throughout the city and mingled in with buildings that serve daily business and residential functions. NYU is a great place to be anonymous if you're into that. If you find your own niche, you can do that thing to the fullest. Make no mistake: while sports exist, this is not much of a sport-centered school. There isn't an everybody-goes-to-the-football-game-and-knows-the-team-by-name mentality or reality. You will not find much in the way of fraternity or sorority life, either. This school is ultra-metropolitan and more focused on intellect, culture, and arts. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Liz: The student body is unbelievably large. There is no way to know everyone in your school of focus, let alone your graduating class; mine was in the multi-thousands. The actual class sizes were reasonable and I was generally pleased with them. Even the big lectures had no more than about 50 - 80 students, and those had related seminars taught by graduate students where the group size was maybe 20. I felt that the class sizes were appropriate. I got very close with a bunch of people in my own department acrossgraduation years because the Department of Dramatic Writing is so small and we got into each other's projects very deeply. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Liz: I had a fabulous class on modern theater. We attended one performance per week. I got to see Avenue Q, Metamorphosis, and Top Dog/Underdog before they hit big and went to Broadway. We also saw a 3-person play that included Sir Patrick Stewart and Kyle McLaughlin in the cast. Frequently the creators of the pieces would stay after the show and speak to our class about their process. Whatever your field of study, at NYU you will be engaged in real-life, current, and relevant events. Check out Lizs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Latin Teacher Salaries

Latin Teacher Salaries How Much Does a Latin Teacher Earn? ChaptersThe Salary for a Latin Teacher at Secondary SchoolsA Latin Teacher’s SalaryThe Salary for New Latin TeachersTeaching Latin in a UniversityHow Much Do Private Latin Tutors Earn?“Research shows that there is only half as much variation in student achievement between schools as there is among classrooms in the same school. If you want your child to get the best education possible, it is actually more important to get him assigned to a great teacher than to a great school.” - Bill GatesWhether you’re teaching in a school or working for yourself, being a Latin teacher is a rewarding job, and not just because of the wage. Latin teachers are passionate about transferring their knowledge of the language to students.Being a school teacher is a rewarding vocation and the base salary isn't bad. The average salaries are pretty good in comparison to a lot of jobs and the annual mean wage is pretty good. Teachers in the UK have one of the highest average salaries in the world.Of co urse, secondary school teachers work an average of 63.3 hours per week.So with this in mind, how much does a Latin teacher earn and what is an average teacher salary?Depending on your experience, seniority, or qualifications, here’s how much you can get expect to earn in Latin teacher jobs. DéborahLatin Teacher 5.00 (12) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr. KarisLatin Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SimonaLatin Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArgiroLatin Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JennyLatin Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LucieLatin Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielaLatin Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SophieLatin Teacher 5.00 (6) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Salary for a Latin Teacher at Secondary SchoolsFirstly, before we get to the crux of the matter, you should know that there aren’t many Latin teachers in primary schools. Most Latin teachers teach in private secondary schools, independent schools, and academies. Additionally, a teacher salary in private schools is usually higher than in state schools. Teachers in secondary schools are paid by their subject, location, and seniority. (Source: Pexels)Latin lessons are quite rare in normal state schools. As a general rule, a Latin teacher is a language or classics teacher with a degree in Latin and a PGCE.Working out how much a Latin teacher earns can be quite tricky because it’s rare that Latin will be the only thing they teach. Whether they’re in academies or state secondary schools, several things could affect their earnings.Teachers start on £23k but how much they earn will depend on how long they’ve taught, where they’re teaching, and what they’re teaching. Teacher salaries can also be affected by the teacher's role. For example, there are a good number of other tasks that teachers can add to their remit to earn more money:You can set a Special Educational Needs (SEN) allowance of between £2,149 and £4,242 a year.Teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments of between £2,721 and £13,288 if you take on additi onal responsibility.They can also earn more money by marking exams.While there are a lot of different things that can affect a teacher’s salary, the best thing about the job is the stability of being a teacher. This is thanks to public education.Of course, when it comes to teaching jobs, your salary will be depending on your teaching experience and where the teaching position is. After all, the starting salary for a teacher in London isn't the same for those working outside of the capital. Similarly, teaching abroad won't pay the same as teaching in the UK as the average starting salary in some countries is higher and lower in others.  New teachers will need to take this into account.A Latin Teacher’s SalaryAs you’ll have gathered, there are a lot of ways to increase your salary as a Latin teacher. Teachers are rewarded for the work they do and if they exhibit the very highest standards of classroom practice they can gain leading practitioner status.This means a teacher can ea rn between £40k and £68k. By taking on more responsibilities, Latin teachers can bolster their earnings. (Source: rawpixel)It should be said that there are so many factors that will affect a teacher’s earnings that it’s almost impossible to tell you exactly how much you’ll earn but we can give you a rough idea. Generally, as a teacher, you can work more to earn more and salary data indicates that teacher pay is pretty good anyway.The minimum salary for teachers mightn't be the highest but there are a lot of ways to progress and, as we mentioned, average teacher salaries in the UK are very high in comparison to other countries. DéborahLatin Teacher 5.00 (12) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr. KarisLatin Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SimonaLatin Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArgiroLatin Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JennyLatin Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LucieLatin Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielaLatin Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SophieLatin Teacher 5.00 (6) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Salary for New Latin TeachersBecoming a teacher is a great idea. However, as a new teacher, your salary mightn’t be as big as you’d hoped. As we’ve mentioned, the more you work, the more you can earn.An unqualified teacher can start on as little as £17k but once qualified, they can expect to start on at least £23k. That said, an unqualified teacher can earn as much as £27k when they start their new career.Furthermore, there’s always the teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments you can earn.Maximum: £13,288.Minimum: £2,721.Similarly, there are bonus payments available for teachers who work with pupils with special educational needs (SEN). You can earn between £2,149 and £4,242. Thus, a special education teacher has a higher average salary than other teachers.There are a lot of ways to increase your salary as a teacher and a lot of interesting ways to vary your remit as a teacher.  While being a teacher mightn’t be the best-paid job in the world, you’ll have better job security and a decent pension to boot.As you can see, there’s quite a difference between the lowest salaries and the highest. You could be coming home with a salary that isn’t much higher than minimum wage or a six-figure salary!Teaching Latin in a UniversityIf you’ve completed a degree, master’s, and PhD, you could always teach Latin as a lecturer at a university. Generally, a university lecturer will earn more than a school teacher. A Latin lecturer at university can earn more than a secondary school Latin teacher. (Source: StartupStockPhotos)They tend to earn between £41k and £55k. However, they can earn upwards of £107k at the highest level. It should be noted that these jobs, like all teaching jobs, are no walk in the park.If you're looking for the best paying teaching job, you'll probably want to be a teacher at a university. Generally speaking, the higher the level you teach, the more you'll earn.For example, primary school teachers won't earn as much as high school teachers and, in turn, they won't earn as much as those teaching undergraduate or postgraduate degrees, for example.If you're a high school teacher in a private school, you'll probably be on a higher wage than someone working in a state school.Discover the routes into Latin teaching.How Much Do Private Latin Tutors Earn?“Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.” - Solomon OrtizIf you don’t want to become a teacher in a school or university, you could always work for yourself and find your students. After all, the national school system isn't for everyone, even if teachers' salaries in the UK are pretty good. The more a private tutor teaches, the more they can earn. (Source: PublicDomainPictures)As a private Latin tutor, you won’t have the job security of a teacher in a school but you’ll also have a lot more freedom in terms of how you teach and what you teach.If you head to Superprof, for example, you can offer face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, or group tutorials to enthusiastic students wanting to learn a new language.  You’ll also be able to decide upon your rates. However, you do have to think about what the competition is charging. Even as a Latin tutor, there’s a lot of competition out there.You need to be very sensible when it comes to setting your rates and they need to line up with your experience, qualifications, and reputation as a tutor.  On average, tutors charge between £20 and £60 per hour for Latin tutorials but this will also vary according to where you teach. Due to the cost of living, tutorials in London tend to cost more than elsewhere in the UK.If yo u work 25 hours a week (not including preparation time), you could earn between £500 and £1,500 a week. Do everything you can to make your lessons appealing.  When it comes to private tutor jobs, there is no maximum salary since you can earn as much as your students are willing to pay for your work. If you want a salary increase, you need to make sure your tutorials are worth it!The salary range for private tutors is much wider, too. Your wage will depend on your level of education, skills, etc.You could also work in a language school. That said, it can be difficult working out the average annual wage for teachers n private language schools and academies as they'll be paid according to where they are, what their experience is, the levels they teach, and the number of teaching hours they have.Language teaching, especially for private tutors, can be tricky. Especially as the popularity of language tuition tends to vary a lot. When a language is popular, you can expect higher salarie s or weekly earnings as a private tutor but once a language is no longer popular, you might struggle to make ends meet.Whether you're teaching English in China, Latin in a private school, or looking for teaching positions at a university, the highest paid jobs are for the best teachers. That said, most teachers aren’t in it for the money, but rather because of their passion to help students learn skills that will help them in their future lives and careers.If you need help with your lesson plans or brushing up on your Latin, you might want to consider getting in touch with a private tutor. After all, the better you are as a teacher, the higher your annual salary will be. Of course, everyone starts on the same base salary and can work their way up in state schools.However, keep in mind that while starting salaries are better in certain places, your decision can't be based on salary alone, you need to be working somewhere you like!So are you ready to start your teaching career and t ake advantage of lucrative teaching opportunities?

What Is Vegan Food And Where Do I Get It

What Is Vegan Food And Where Do I Get It What Is Vegan Food? ChaptersAdopting The Vegan LifestyleVeganism - Is It For Me?What Makes A Vegan Diet Plan Different To An Ordinary Diet?An Overview Of Vegan Health BenefitsAn Introduction To Substituting Your EssentialsCan't I Just Buy Vegan Foods From The Shops?Basic Vegan Foods SummaryBut for each inconvenience of becoming a vegan, there are twice as many positives, the main one being a healthy diet and lifestyle.Here is some information on the health benefits of vegan food. For a more in-depth exploration of vegan health benefits, visit my blog Vegan Health Benefits: Things You Should Know.Meanwhile, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and The Co-Operative offer some super products and Morrison’s, Aldi and Asda too have some good finds. Even if there are not specific vegan friendly ready meals, products like quinoa, lentils, avocado, banana, hummus, spinach and potatoes are available in every supermarket so you won't be limited.Basic Vegan Foods SummaryHere is a quick roundup on the vegan alternatives to your everyday basics. Whether you want to learn some easy vegan recipes or indulge your sweet tooth with some vegan baking recipes.So, as you now know, there are a wide range of products at your disposal to make becoming a vegan easier than ever before. If in doubt about what you can use to replace a particular product in your daily life or as part of a recipe, then consult our table below summarising the key substitutions.Non-vegan productRecommended vegan alternativeDairy milkSoya, rice, oat, nuts milkCheeseTofu or vegan cheeseEggsTofu, chickpea flour, soy flour, oat flour, rolled oats, aquafabaButterVegan butter or some margarinesYoghurtVegan yoghurtMeat stockVegetable brothHoneyLiquid sweetenerSugarBeet sugar, fructose, date sugar, maple crystal and natural organic sugarChocolateVegan chocolateIce creamVegan ice creamMeatTofu or vegetarian burgers, meatballs, sausages, bacon, patties and nuggets

When Should You Start Learning Mandarin Chinese

When Should You Start Learning Mandarin Chinese Which Are the Best Ways to Start Learning Chinese? ChaptersStarting Chinese at 5Learning Chinese as a TeenagerChinese Further EducationLearning Chinese at Any Age“Learning without thought is deceptive; thought without learning is perilous.” - Chinese ProverbMany people say that Chinese is a complicated language to learn. However, this hasn’t stopped many students from deciding to study it at GCSE and A Level. Why?Because Chinese is the language of the future, perfect for those who want to work internationally or are inspired by the Chinese way of life.While China is one of the world’s largest economic powers and Chinese is the official language of many international organisations, non-native speakers can find reading and writing Chinese very difficult.When is the best time to start learning Mandarin Chinese?In this article, we’re going to have a look at a few answers to this question and why you should be learning the world's most common language and the language of the world's second-largest economic superpower!Did you kno w that nearly a billion people speak Mandarin? NingChinese Teacher 5.00 (10) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorraineChinese Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoyceChinese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicoleChinese Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KatyChinese Teacher £16/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YangChinese Teacher £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChengChinese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsStarting Chinese at 5Chinese is a special language with its sinographs, characters used to represent whole words. There are four ways to learn Chinese:By readingBy writingBy speakingBy listeningChinese is not as easy as A, B, C... (Source: PublicDomainPictures)Since this can be difficult, the sooner you start learning, the better. If you think 5 might be a bit young to start learning Chines e, you’re wrong. Many studies have shown that studying a foreign language from a young age is great for a child’s cognitive development since, at that age, their brains are sponges. Additionally, there's the Hanyu pinyin romanisation system that can be used to represent Chinese Mandarin characters in the Latin alphabet.Did you know that there are between 40,000 and 60,000 Chinese characters?It would take you ages to learn them all, even if you followed these tips for faster learning!Additionally, some children express an interest in learning to speak another language. This is the age where they can start to develop critical thinking. Learning Chinese can be a huge advantage in later life!  In this case, they’ll start with writing and learning common Chinese vocabulary. This will also help them understand their surroundings in the target language.You should know that Chinese is still quite rare in primary schools. European languages such as French, Spanish, German, and Italian tend to be more popular with students. That said, at A Level, Chinese overtook German this year.There are also members of the Confucius Institute Network UK that promote Chinese language teaching and Chinese culture:Confucius Institute for Scotland, Edinburgh, ScotlandConfucius Institute at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, EnglandConfucius Institute at University of LiverpoolConfucius Institute at the University of NottinghamConfucius Institute at the University of SheffieldConfucius Institute at Cardiff UniversityConfucius Institute at the University of Wales, Trinity St David, LampeterConfucius Institute for Business, London School of EconomicsLondon Confucius Institute, SOAS, University of LondonConfucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine, London South Bank UniversityConfucius Institute at Lancaster UniversityConfucius Institute at the University of ManchesterIf you really want your child to learn Mandarin London, you might be better off looking for Chinese gro ups and associations outside of school where they teach Chinese to children. Usually, the lessons they provide include fun activities for younger learners.Learning Chinese as a TeenagerFor a lot of children, they only really start learning to speak a language in secondary school. This is when they’ll learn French, Spanish, German, or Italian, for example.You can start learning foreign languages once you go to secondary school. (Source: strecosa)It’s a good idea to get children aged 14 or 15 interested in learning Chinese as a foreign language. As we said, they can learn about Chinese language and culture which has many benefits for children of this age as:They can gain an interest in foreign languages for work and in daily life.They can study a new language to improve their CV.For a lot of secondary school students learning Chinese, it’s because they are interested in Chinese culture, travelling, or working internationally in the future.Speaking Chinese looks great on their CV , too! At this age, they’ll focus on grammar and syntax. They tend to focus more on the theoretical aspects of the language rather than the practical aspects. They’ll study Chinese writing, vocabulary, etc.They’ll also learn a number of set phrases and common greetings.  While still not the most popular language, the number of students studying Chinese in the UK has increased in recent years.With Chinese such an important language for the future, you’d think it’d be more popular at secondary schools but it isn’t. In comparison to European languages, there are relatively few schools offering Chinese at GCSE or A Level in the UK.That said, there are also opportunities for young people to study in China and learn to speak with native speakers. Studying abroad allows them to take lessons with teachers and learn to read, write, and speak Chinese fluently.Private Chinese tutorials and lessons with Chinese groups and associations are worth considering at this age, especially if they’re struggling with a Chinese A Level.Chinese Further EducationThose with an A Level in Chinese are probably moving onto a Chinese degree. They’re interested in learning Chinese at a university for a number of reasons:To learn a foreign language other than the ones commonly taught in schoolsTo further their careerThe teaching offered at university if more advanced than what they could get at schoolThe resources are available than what they had at schoolOnce you're studying Mandarin at university, you'll be learning more advanced language skills. (Source: quillau)Furthermore, they can enjoy being in a place that promotes learning of all types. They can spend between 3 and 5 years studying (if they go on to do a Master’s) and come out with a good level in Chinese. This is more than enough time to get good at a language!In this case, it’s best to learn Chinese aged between 18 and 20.  The student will have enough time to study Chinese alongside other studies. The focus wil l be on acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge of the language for professional reasons.While the language is commonly taught both in universities and private language schools, the way the classes are taught can differ:Sometimes lessons focus on just theory, especially on linguistics courses.Practical and theoretical lessons. This tends to be the case with Chinese degrees.Practical uses of Chinese, especially for business, in either universities or private language schools aimed at training professionals.As you may have guessed, it’s never really too late to learn Chinese. If you’re driven, you can learn a language whenever you like. You just have to go for it.Learning Chinese at Any AgeDid you really think that there was a certain age where you just couldn’t learn Chinese anymore?Like all languages, you can start learning whenever you want.Reading is one of the hardest skills to master in Chinese. (Source: Free-Photos)Everyone is different in terms of learning language s and not everyone has the same goals when it comes to learning languages, either.Even if you’re 60, you can start learning Chinese today. You just have to work out how to fit in it around your schedule and find the best method for you. There are several options:University-style courses and diplomas for everyone for beginners, intermediates, and experts.Distance learning or online classes where you can learn Chinese at your own pace.Private tutorials that you can schedule whenever you want to work around your schedule.To learn quickly, intensive Mandarin Chinese courses or language exchange programmes are a great idea. You can also learn about Chinese culture at the same time. Online Chinese classes are great if you don’t have much time to study foreign languages.Private organisations and Chinese associations are also useful for beginners wanting to learn how to speak Chinese. If this is the case, there are a number of them in the United Kingdom offering a variety of different t ypes of lessons. However, to practise speaking Chinese, there’s nothing better than travelling to China.Don't forget that there are also private tutors to help you with language learning. In fact, a personal tutor can tailor their classes to any learner. For example, if you're struggling with Chinese pronunciation, you can find a native Chinese speaker to help you. If you need Chinese lessons on how Chinese is spoken or the tones they use, your tutor can focus on that and help you gain fluency.Whether for personal or professional reasons, if you want to learn Chinese, you can! It’s better to start as soon as possible. However, there’s nothing to stop you learning at 18, 40, or 75 -  you can even use these innovative ways of learning that work so well with children.The most important thing is being driven.  So are you ready to go?